Posts tagged with Spring boot
Exploring contract first options with Swagger
In the great world of SOA we know something like "contract first development", in which we initially describe the web service (using WSDL) and later on implement the service based on that definition. In this article I will explore the options we have with Swagger and Springfox.
Documenting your REST API with Swagger and Springfox
REST services are pretty great to allow reuse of your operations, however, to become reusable, you'll have to properly document the available endpoints in your REST API. A popular standard, that is used for this, is Swagger.
Consuming REST API's with Spring
Spring boot became quite popular as a framework for microservices. In this tutorial I will show you how to produce and consume REST API's with Spring boot.
Producing REST API's with Spring
Spring boot became quite popular as a framework for microservices. In this tutorial I will show you how to produce and consume REST API's with Spring boot.
Handling forms with Spring Web and JSR-303
Handling forms is a common task in web development. In this article I'll demonstrate how to use Spring and JSR-303 bean validation to create proper forms.
Internationalization (i18n) with Spring
In this article I will explain how you can use internationalization (i18n) to your Spring boot applications using properties and programmatical approaches.
Take your Spring apps to the cloud with Bluemix and Docker
The Bluemix PaaS allows you to take your own Docker containers to the cloud. In this example I will be deploying some containers to Bluemix.
Handling errors with Spring MVC
When developing applications, error handling is a common job. With Spring MVC you can easily handle exceptions using a few annotations.
JPA made easy with Spring data's repositories
With Spring Data it's very easy to create a simple CRUD application without the hassle of creating your own DAO's. Spring Boot makes it even easier for you.
Writing your first Spring webapp with Spring Boot
Spring boot changed the Java and Spring landscape. In this tutorial I'll write a small Spring webapp in about 70 lines of Java code.